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Tomasz Omieciński Ph.D., B.Eng., Arch.

Tomasz Omieciński - fotografia
employee data
functions at LUoT:  - assistant professor in a group of research and teaching positions, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning;
- deputy director of the Lodz University of Technology gallery - B16 Gallery;
- editor of the website of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning;
- year supervisor for full-time undergraduate students majoring in architecture pursued in English from the academic year 2022/23.
  room 802 building B6
specialty: beauty, aesthetics, visual perception
biographical note:

Graduated in 2014 with a degree in architecture and urban planning from the Technical University of Lodz. As a participant of the Socrates-Erasmus international student exchange program, he studied at the Dessau Institute of Architecture (field of study: International Master of Arts) in Dessau-Roßlau, Germany. In 2021, he received his doctorate on the theory of beauty in contemporary architectural trends.
He teaches architectural freehand drawing and the theory and history of modern architecture.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9333-0783